White-Collar Crimes and Organizational Offending: An Integral Approach
David R. Champion
White collar offending continues to hold relevance in academic/trade studies as well as the socio-cultural landscape. The Integral Theory of philosopher Ken Wilber provides a theoretical framework for interpreting and understanding a wide range of academic disciplines and professions and has contributed to the study of business and organizational practices. In addition, Integral Theory (IT) holds promise as a comprehensive roadmap for theorization and research in criminology. This paper reviews some of the principles of IT and how they may be brought to bear on the topic of white collar/organizational offending. Key components of IT include (but are not restricted to) Quadrants of knowledge modes; empirical and subjective realms of thinking; recognition of differing lines (or streams) of development; the hierarchical structure of waves of development. Maintaining awareness of an All Quadrant/All Lines/Levels (AQAL) Integral approach can assist professionals and academics in understanding ongoing dynamics of white collar crime as well as generate new lines of research.
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