Paperless Processes: Benchmarking Small Firm Level of Implementation to Larger Firm Level of Implementation
Jefferson T. Davis; Joseph Hadley; Hal Davis, Attorney; Roman Kepczyk

Many professional CPA firms are taking advantage of technology and software to implement paperless office processes in their client services and firm operations. With current technology, a paperless office is not just for large firms. This survey gathers information to determine the extent that paperless office processes are being utilized by local accounting firms. The survey provides an opportunity for each firm surveyed to benchmark their paperless processes with the results of a national survey of accounting firms.These results provide a comparison of smaller firms versus larger firms in their levels of paperless office implementation. Not surprisingly, the local (smaller) firms are not as paperless as the national (larger) firms. The results of the benchmarking questions, however, suggest that the local firms reporting themselves as paperless may not be as paperless to the degree they might think they are.

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