Factors Influencing the Adoption of Financial and Non-Financial Information Cloud Backup methodology in Term of age and Gender: Evidence from the United States
Malik R. Elhaj, Shadi Z. Barakeh

The purpose of this quantitative study is to evaluate the factors that may have an influence on consumers’ decision to adopt cloud backup procedures. A quantitative research design was used. The dependent variable was whether or not the participant uses a cloud backup process and the independent variables were age and gender. An online survey was used for data collection. The results were that age and gender are not related to cloud adoption rate. Also, it was concluded that although cloud computing in general and using cloud computing for backing up valuable files offers many advantages to consumers, they have not been completely integrated into consumers’ daily computing activities. In addition, some of the advantages described in this paper included cost effectiveness due to a lack of physical space requirements for users, reduction in utility costs such as electricity and temperature regulation, reduction in required equipment (such as external hard drives), off-site data availability (i.e., accessibility and mobility), a high level of automation, and scalability

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